RL Swigart

RL Swigart, is a writer who draws. He is the author of Sheep In A Sweater and several other children's books.
He is an American author from rural Missouri who became an elementary school teacher after the age of 40. During one of his college classes he wrote 'Sheep In A Sweater' as an assignment. His teacher was impressed enough with the book that she submitted it to a publisher friend in New York City. The publisher agreed it was a good book, but since it was from an 'unpublished author' they were not interested.
The book resided on a shelf, forgotten until one day Russ met an independent publisher who was interested in the book. 'Sheep In A Sweater' was published for the first time and was the first of many children's books. The original independent publisher unfortunately is no longer in business. His wife, Julie, believed in her husband's ability to tell a story and invested time, money and energy into establishing Blue Coconut Publications so she could republish her husband's books.
Russ currently resides on a small farm with his wife as 'empty nesters' and their multiple bloodhounds and basset hounds that they enjoy showing as time allows. They both have backgrounds in cattle, sheep, goats and horses as well as row cropping.

A sequel to 'Sheep In A Sweater', find out what happens at night...
Bigfoot Prefers Wool Socks satisfies the reader's curiosity about why we've never found Bigfoot and how the stays warm in the cold. There are deeper mysteries about that elusive creature that we may never discover. Sometimes we can only wonder...