Blue Coconut Mercantile
Seller of various books: childrens, paranormal, poetry, historical fiction, young readers, science fiction, etc. We also offer marketing and promotional products for our books to include Author Sets.

Cursed by a Gift
A Southern guy living in the Midwest dreaming of the beach. Father, friend and author; I find joy and pain in my poetic gift.
Live each day to the fullest and take each opportunity as it comes. When left with a choice always choose yourself.
Dark Maze
A thought I feel I need to share.
Through the flames we stare.
Life is often like a dark maze.
Upon the path seeking to crave.
​ the rest of the poem in Cursed by a Gift

Sheep In A Sweater
Why does a shepard shear his sheep? What happens to the wool? And where do sweaters come from anyway? Sheep in a Sweater shows us the process. See what happens when sheep return to pasture...with no way to keep warm.
Konner Khronicles:
Back to the Past
Mathew and Robert Konner cross another item off their bucket list when they head down the Mississippi River on their historical steamboat, Malta Deuce. Destination set for New Orleans in 2015 but a natural disaster detours them to 1840. With a steamboat equipped with modern conveniences of 2015, how will they hide what the future holds as they struggle to survive politics, social classes and proper etiquette in Victorian Society? Will they ever return to 2015?